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Club parking is accessed from North Charles Street on right-hand side after Read Street and before Eager Street. The entrance to the Club is located inside the parking lot, toward the left. Please follow signs to the Clubhouse entrance. Please remember that use of the Club's parking lot is intended to coincide with usage of the Club.

Overflow Parking Instructions

926 North Charles Street / 907 Cathedral Street

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select the Date and Times of parking in the lot. Type 926 N. Charles Street into the Address Line.
Step 3: Click on 'Mt. Vernon Lot'.
Step 4: Click 'Book Parking'.
Step 5: Type in all information: email, first/last name, phone number, vehicle information. (Except for Payment information).
Step 6: Type in the appropriate access code: '1201' code is for before 5:00 PM on weekdays. The '1701' code is for after 5:00 PM on weekdays and on the weekends. Click on 'Apply'.
Step 7: Click 'Complete purchase’. You will receive a confirmation via email.

Note: There will not be an attendant in this lot, so please do not double park.